What are Complementary Plans?
Complementary Plans are an innovative system of co-programming and co-governance in R&D&I actions promoted by the central Government in collaboration with the Autonomous Communities with common strategic interests.
Complementary Plans are an innovative system of co-programming and co-governance in R&D&I actions promoted by the central Government in collaboration with the Autonomous Communities with common strategic interests.
The general objective of the Complementary Plan for Biotechnology Applied to Health (PCBAS) is the development of tools for diagnosis, prognosis, and advanced or targeted therapies in personalized medicine.
The PCBAS in Galicia is coordinated by the Kaertor Foundation and the Innovation Agency (GAIN), and involves the three Galician universities and the three health research institutes. The plan focuses on enhancing and showcasing the existing capabilities in Galicia in each of the lines of action it comprises; in a manner compatible with other national and international initiatives; and leading to joint projects and initiatives.
Collaboration agreements registry.
To comply with the obligation of publicity and transparency in collaboration agreements, as stipulated in Article 15 of Law 1/2016, the Galician Innovation Agency publishes the required information in this matter in the following list of current collaboration agreements.
MRR/PRTR Collaboration Agreements
Last update: periodically updated