

Title: Targeting Imidazole Propionate in atherosclerosis (IMPATH)
Call: Health Research Projects – 2023- “La Caixa” Banking Foundation (La Caixa Foundation)
Reference: HR23-00383 (LCF/PR/HR23/52430012)
Project in collaboration and coordinated by Dr. David Sancho from the National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases (CNIC)
Duration, start: 12/01/2023; end: 11/30/2026
Total project budget: €717,620.20

Title: Deconstructing and Rewiring RNA-RBP regulatory networks
Call: HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-01-01 — MSCA Doctoral Networks 2021 (HORIZON Unit Grant)
Reference: 101073094 — RBP-ReguNet
Collaborative project coordinated by Dr. Ashwin Woodhoo from the University of Santiago de Compostela
Duration, start: 2022; end: 2026
Total project budget: €2,637,215.99

Title: Pharmacological continuous flow vessel-on-a-chip assay for automated cardiovascular drug discovery and screening
Call: CaixaImpulse Validate 2021 (La Caixa Foundation)
Reference: CI21-00289
Project in collaboration and coordinated by Dr. Ezequiel Álvarez from the University of Santiago de Compostela
Duration, start: 2021; end: 2023
Total project budget: €85,000.00