During the past week the Kærtor Foundation organized its first workshop in Santiago de Compostela entitled “Advancing Transformational Drug Discovery” and leaded by its Scientific Directors, Mabel Loza and Angel Carracedo. We acknowledge all the participants, more than 60 international experts, for their contributions, examples and visions on how to make possible and nurture processes of drug discovery in Galicia. GAIN (Axencia Galega de Innovación), the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, the University of Santiago de Compostela, CiMUS (Center for Research in Molecular Medicine and Chronic Diseases of the USC), SERGAS (Servizo Galego de Saúde), IDIS (Instituto de Investigaciones Sanitarias de Santiago de Compostela), QUIMATRYX, Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), CNIC (Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Research).
During the official closing, the Regional Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry, Francisco Conde, said that this institution is the “great allied” of Xunta de Galicia to turn Galicia into an “innovation hub” of new drugs and also that, due to the collaboration with the foundation and the Janssen company, Galicia is a “pioneer” for having the first drug discovery incubator in Spain, a significant qualitative step forward in this sector.
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